Rabu, 29 November 2023

skincare secrets nobody knows?

Hi there,

Ever wondered how our skincare rituals came to be?

In today's Obvi-verse-only short guide, we travel through time, uncovering the evolution of skincare, and sharing amazing secrets for your complexion.

Here's a sneak peek of what you'll discover:

๐Ÿช The 2 everyday foods that ancient Egyptians used for beauty… setting the stage for modern skincare

⚠️ The surprising – and sometimes dangerous! – ingredients used in the Middle Ages and Renaissance for that sought-after pale complexion

๐Ÿงด Explore the revolutionary changes in the 1800s and 1900s, from homemade remedies to the invention of sunscreen and the rise of skin lighteners

So what are you waiting for?

>>> Read this short guide & discover timeless skincare secrets almost nobody knows

All the love,

Team Obvi

P.S. Quick reminder:

Our 30% 40% Cyber Week Deal + free mystery gift is expiring on Friday.

Hurry up & join the 40% OFF craze before Friday!

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