Here's a fact you dearly NEED to know…
Many of the other big problems you hear about out behind so many of today's biggest health issues pale in comparison to one of today's biggest issues of all…
Not drinking enough water.
You see, while the average person should drink about a gallon of water each day…
A whopping 75% of Americans are not drinking an optimal amount of water daily!
In fact, the average American drinks just 4 cups of water daily, a measly ¼ of what they SHOULD be drinking. And while drinking tea, coffee, juice, or soft technically can "count," they are not as hydrating as water and can have other issues!
Now, there's a remarkable new solution called Mojo H2O that makes getting far more of the water your body needs as easy-as-can be.
As you'll see, in fact, Mojo H2O may just be the most important supplement you can possibly take…
That's why you'll be happy to know that today you're getting Mojo H2O for as low as just $17 per 4-pack, which means just a mere 18 cents per serving (you read that right).
Yes, that's a whopping 41% OFF the regular price out on our main website.
We're simply offering it as low as $17 per 4-pack for VIP subscribers like you today because this remarkable new solution is so important, and we want to make certain you experience what a difference it makes for yourself.
However, to understand why it is so important, you first need to know why not drinking enough water really is a silent-but-urgent health issue.
You see, properly replenishing your body's water supply is simply PRIORITY #1 to help you look and feel your best and stay healthy. And even minor 1 – 2% losses in body water can lead to:
** Difficulty concentrating, focusing, and remembering things
** Feeling low on energy and drained (pun intended!)
** Slow or sluggish metabolism
** Hunger and cravings
** The appearance of tired and old-looking skin
** Dry mouth
** Occasional joint and/or muscle stiffness
** Difficulty recovering from your workouts
Furthermore, drinking enough water is important to how you look in the mirror. Data shows that, over the course of a year, drinking just 4 cups of water daily burns about 17,400 calories a year – the equivalent of 4 ½ pounds of FAT.
And make no mistake, even being off a little in your daily water intake is a BIG problem. In fact, research shows fluid losses of just 1 to 2% of bodyweight can lead to fatigue, headaches, irritability, and other big problems noted above.
And here's an even more important KICKER…
You don't even typically perceive "thirst" until 2 to 3% of your body's proper water levels are lost.
In other words, by the time you recognize you are thirsty, your physical and mental performance have already started going kaput!
Okay then, how much water should you drink?
Well, the myth that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily is just that – a myth.
And although hydration needs vary from person to person based on a variety of factors, a more widely accepted recommendation is to drink one-half to one ounce of fluid per pound of body weight per day.
Now, according to CDC data, the average American adult male weighs 197.8 pounds while the typical American adult female weighs 170.6 pounds. Along those lines, the average man would need to consume about 98.9 - 197.8 ounces of fluid, while the average woman would need to consume about 85.3 - 170.6 ounces of fluid.
That means, in other words, a range of twelve to twenty-four 8-ounce glasses of water daily… not merely eight.
Or, more simply put, the average person should consume about 1 gallon of fluid per day.
Alright then… why don't people drink more water?
In research, the most common reason people give is that they don't feel thirsty.
However, we already know that by the time you're thirsty, you're already lost quite a bit of water, which is not good for your health (or your waistline).
The second most common reason people give for not drinking water?
Because they prefer to drink something else.
And what "something else" means is something that doesn't taste boring like water… in other words, something that tastes good!
HOWEVER, the very big problem is that "something else" may do more harm than good.
Let's sum up what people are drinking these days in place of water:
Popular water enhancers… sports and energy drinks… flavored waters… sodas… sweet teas… fruit juices… coffee… and "hard" seltzers, beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages.
Now, alcohol is clearly not the solution, and caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and certain sodas and energy drinks can actually cause you to LOSE water.
Meanwhile, some fruit juices, sports and energy drinks, flavored waters, sweet teas, and sodas are LOADED with added sugar (and calories).
And some of those other alternatives, such as common water enhancers and diet teas and sodas, can contain artificial colors, flavors, and artificial sweeteners you definitely do NOT want.
Of course, people can dish out the advice to "drink more water" till they're blue in the face, but we can't wish this fact away:
If people don't enjoy what they're consuming, using "willpower" to drink more water may work for a short time… but then you're likely going to be right back to drinking those things you do enjoy!
YES, this all feels like a "Catch-22" for what may well be THE #1 silent health problem of our time, with 75% of people not drinking enough water.
And frankly, it has been the big issue… up to now.
You see, there's finally a simple way to help you drink enough water every day -- without willpower.
It makes your water taste absolutely delicious, like enjoying a refreshing strawberry watermelon or mandarin orange cooler…
…Yet it contains NO artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners and it's made with only premium, clean ingredients – no harmful stuff.
Yes, it's Mojo H2O™.
And "Mojo H20" is definitely an appropriate name because "mojo" means "magic charm," and this concentrated liquid water enhancer certainly adds some serious "magic" to boring water!
In short, Mojo H2O is truly revolutionary in its simplicity and elegance, and with its truly delicious strawberry watermelon or mandarin orange flavors, it can help you drink more water.
What's more, it comes in a convenient size that fits in your purse or pocket, making it easy to take anywhere.
And because all it takes is a simple squeeze of Mojo H2O concentrate in your water to make it as delicious as your favorite beverages… chances are you'll actually be craving FAR more water!
And when you properly hydrate, it can help make a VERY serious difference in terms of your daily energy, mood, memory and focus, productivity, and more …
Meanwhile, consistently drinking the right amount of water promotes powerful longer-term benefits, too, since proper hydration is so key to a healthy immune system, proper sleep, and avoiding early aging and looking your best.
Plus, Mojo H2O comes with two BONUS BENEFITS.
First, it's also an excellent source of several B vitamins, which help you feel energetic, support a properly functioning metabolism, and help with mental focus and clarity.
Next, Mojo H2O also provides your body electrolytes.
These are certain important minerals that help optimize hydration by helping your body "hold on" to water easier (and without the bloat).
Electrolytes also help regulate nerve and muscle function, balance blood acidity, and even help maintain healthy blood pressure.
Also NOTE that if you routinely exercise, if you're on a low-carb diet, or if you regularly drink caffeinated beverages, these can all escalate the amount of water and electrolytes depleted from the body – so you need them even more!
With 75% of people not drinking enough water, you now understand why Mojo H2O may well be THE most important supplement you can take.
With Mojo H2O, you will truly love drinking more water. You'll yearn for it even because it comes in two flavors – strawberry watermelon and mandarin orange – and both taste as great as any of your other favorite drinks.
And because Mojo H2O comes in a size convenient to take anywhere (in your pocket, purse, you name it), and all it takes is a simple squeeze of Mojo H2O in your water to make it so delicious.
It can help you, in fact, drink much more water – no willpower required – and all with ZERO CALORIES and without artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners.
And right now, Mojo H2O is yours for up to 41% off -- as low as just $17 per 4-pack, which means just a mere 18 cents per serving!
Plus, you're getting FREE U.S. shipping and a FREE new eBook, 27 Foods That Dehydrate You. This must-read report reveals the foods, beverages, and even everyday activities that dehydrate your body – many of them quite surprising – and is the ideal companion to your Mojo H2O.
Finally, of course, your Mojo H2O comes with our naturally honest 60-day total-satisfaction guarantee. If you aren't satisfied anytime in the next 2 months, return even empty bottles for a fast and friendly refund of the full purchase price.
The bottom line is that you, like so many people, likely need considerably more water…
Because proper hydration is a MAJOR factor for focus and concentration… metabolism, hunger management, and optimal weight… healthy, young-looking skin… lubricated joints… healthy muscles… recovery from workouts… and deep, refreshing sleep
Mojo H2O can help you drink far more water effortlessly, so…
==> Get Mojo H2O for up to 41% OFF with FREE Shipping and Your FREE eBook
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