Sabtu, 24 Juni 2023

Brace for Change: AI, Jobs, and Your Safety!

You know, I'm usually not frightened by new tech and change. But something happened recently that made me sit up and take notice. I'd love to share that story with you.
My buddy, Will, who owns a job placement company, was telling me about some strange stuff happening with his business. He mentioned that many of his clients were pulling down job ads. Curious after months of seeing headlines about low unemployment I asked him why, and what he told me was quite shocking.
He explained that these companies were beginning to use AI to do their work and found they needed fewer people to get the job done. Can you believe that? Some of these companies even shared with Will that they might need to cut back on their staff as AI technology keeps improving. It was a wake-up call for me.

After hearing this, I did some homework, reading articles and reports on the subject. I won't sugarcoat it – what I found was a bit worrisome. Companies are slimming down at an alarming speed! Experts are predicting as many as 300 million jobs could disappear in just a few years.
And you know what tends to follow when lots of jobs go away? A recession! With fewer people earning, less money is spent, and the economy can get pretty small really fast.
But here's the good news - my family and friends are ready. We've gathered a stash of high-quality emergency food, just in case these job loss predictions come true.
I figured you might want to prepare too, so I'd like to extend the same offer to you that I gave to my loved ones. 10% OFF Long-Term Emergency Food Kits with code: HELLO10
I know this is a lot to consider, but remember, we've faced job losses before due to new tech and changes. And every time, we've bounced back. Having a stash of emergency food can ease the pinch and give you a safety net in tough times.
 Don't want to hear my stories anymore? click here.

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