Senin, 04 Juli 2022

Make your body "fall proof" in just 10 mins a day

Be safe... Be fall proof!

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Her high heel caught the raised lip of concrete on the handicap ramp.

And before her sons could catch her, Jean sprawled onto the rock-hard ground...

Her hip took the brunt of the impact...

CRACK. The ball of her femur broke in half.

After a few seconds of agony, she vomited on herself…

Then passed out from the pain.

Blood pooled around her head, which also struck the pavement.

As her sons rushed to her aid in the parking lot...

Jean asked herself a frightening question:

"Am I going to die?"

Scary stories like this happen every single day.

In fact, according to The New York Times, 1 out of 3 seniors will fall this year...

And since those falls often lead to broken hips...

The shocking data from The University of Toronto that 2 out of 5 of seniors with fractured hips will DIE within 6 months of the injury...

Becomes that much scarier.

However, as terrifying as this sounds for folks 55 and up, we have some great news:

You can turn on your body's internal "balance switch", to prevent life-threatening falls like Jean's, in less than 10 minutes a day.

Click here to discover how to make your body "fall-proof".

To your health,

PainLess Nutritionals Team

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