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| 4th of July Sale πΊπΈ | | 4th of July Sale πΊπΈ | | | | Be independent, and pick your best WOW! πFor every 2 items in our cart π, 1 will automatically become free. You can add as much as you want, no limits! π€© And that's not all, more surprises are waiting for you in our MEGA SALE! *Mystery boxes and shampoo/conditioner sets are excluded from BOGO offer. | | Be independent, and pick your best WOW! πFor every 2 items in our cart π , 1 will automatically become free. You can add as much as you want, no limits! π€© And that's not all, more surprises are waiting for you in our MEGA SALE! *Mystery boxes and shampoo/conditioner sets are excluded from BOGO offer. | | Receive exclusive offers and the latest product updates with our mobile app! | | π Find WOW in your local Walmart store. | | π¬ Chat with our smart assistant Jade. | | π Find WOW in your local Walmart store. | | | | Can't see this email? View in Your Browser | | No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe. WOW Skin Science 9225 Ulmerton Road Suite H Largo, FL 33771 | | | | |
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