Minggu, 29 September 2024

US Military Warns Iran, Readies Troops; Harris Cutting Trump's Lead on Economy; Biden Declares Florida, N.C. Disaster Zones

Breaking News from Newsmax.com

Breaking News from Newsmax.com

Watch 'REVOLT: The Case Against EV Mandates' Documentary! A critical look at federal electric vehicle mandates by industry experts and insiders, and the impact they will have on the automobile industry, Midwest jobs, and consumers nationwide. Don't miss this Newsmax exclusive premiering tonight at 9pm ETMore Here

US Warns Iran, Readies Troops for Deployment

Special: Patriot Alert: Has the Enemy Already Won?

Harris Cutting Into Trump's Lead on Economy

Biden Declares Florida, North Carolina Disaster Zones




It's no secret: everything is heating up around the globe...

Ongoing wars in the Ukraine and Holy Land. Tensions with China over Taiwan and international trade.

But what about America?

Political insanity, as elite "leaders" turn that once-great nation... into a playground for foreign-born free-loaders.

According to a just-released urgent broadcast, these dark forces have already caused more havoc here at home than almost anyone realizes...

What he says is terrifying. Click to Watch Video

The presenter is a decorated combat veteran, turned fearless investigator. His intel sources indicate our enemies are waging a new kind of warfare against us...

The enemy is already in our back yard. He says we are utterly unprepared for it as a nation.

He believes the security of every American hinges on what he calls the single most important resource.

Get the full story — watch his urgent broadcast now.

Almost no one knows about this precious resource, let alone how to acquire and use it effectively.

Even though countless American families may need it. And with a presidential election getting dangerously close...

With the Deep State determined to run our nation into the ground and Big Tech working overtime to "protect" Americans from the truth...

Time is getting very, very short.

Watch this urgent briefing now — before it's too late.

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