Senin, 16 September 2024

Growing Old Doesn't Have to Be Scary

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Growing Old Doesn't Have to Be Scary

Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., writes:

When you're young, any new twitch, a pain in the abdomen, or a headache tends to mean nothing more to you than a temporary irritation that can be mostly ignored. But when you get older, there's a tendency to think it's the beginning of something that could be debilitating, or even fatal.

All too often, we assume the worst. Unfortunately, that pessimism adds considerably to a person's stress — which, ironically, can make you sick.

Special: Doctor Finally Discovers Natural Secret Weapon Against Aging

In addition, as we get older we begin paying for the indiscretions that occurred when we were young. We probably ate too many of the wrong things, didn't get adequate sleep, took undue chances, and indulged in too many vices. Most of us wish we could turn back the clock and erase these harmful actions, but that's not how the world works.

Fortunately, while we can't go back in time, we can change our behavior going forward, and reap the benefits of a new, healthier lifestyle. Many of the harms caused by earlier behaviors can be largely corrected by adopting a better lifestyle.

There are three major killers of older people: heart disease (cardiovascular disease), neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. The risks for and from all three of these conditions can be substantially reduced by following a good diet, reducing stress levels, remaining active, and taking a few natural compounds to enhance your disease resistance.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., is editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report and a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and lecturer.

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Researchers Say This
'I Factor' Is the Best Way to
Predict How Well You'll Age

Clinical research over the last decade has shown that one specific factor predicts your overall quality of life during your older years better than anything else.

It's your "I factor."

And before you ask, this stands for your level of body inflammation.

Renowned former neurosurgeon turned natural health advocate Russell Blaylock, M.D., regards inflammation as the ground zero of health. In other words, it exerts control over your ability to maintain physical, mental, and social well-being in later life.

Dr. Blaylock understands how body inflammation can influence your continued ability to:

Spend quality time with your family and friends

Enjoy travel, golfing, or just keeping up with the rug rats who visit you

Savor many more years of vitality, energy, and mental sharpness

Of course, your body must be capable of generating short-term inflammation for processes such as cell and tissue repair. That's how you heal from a cut or other injury, for example.

But for numerous reasons (including merely growing older), the process can go haywire. Issues such as chronic stress, poor diet, poor sleep, lack of exercise, and many others can contribute to long-term inflammation imbalance.

Top Doctor's Natural Formula
Targets the 'I Factor' — A Special
Concern for Older Adults

Dr. Blaylock spent years scouring medical literature, looking for the best natural ways to promote and support inflammatory balance.

All his research led Dr. Blaylock to formulate his comprehensive formula named ADVANCIN®.

This advanced supplement contains not one or two, but eight separate ingredients that encourage a more balanced inflammatory response and support healthy aging and vitality.

Antioxidants Are Critical
for Successful Aging

You've likely heard of free radicals — tiny particles that can damage your cells and DNA.

The bad news is that free radicals increase with age and other factors such as processed foods, sugar, pollution, and even certain medications. In a process called oxidative stress, these free radicals also prolong the inflammatory process.

That's why you need a plentiful daily supply of antioxidants. They circulate inside your body, gobbling up the free radicals that can create an inflammatory imbalance.

Unfortunately, research has found that older adults consume the lowest amounts of antioxidants in their diets compared to younger people.

The good news is that Dr. Blaylock's ADVANCIN formula contains multiple antioxidants and additional nutrients that promote healthy aging.

Ingredient #1: Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a much-studied polyphenol antioxidant most commonly found in red wine and grapes.

Numerous studies demonstrate that this nutrient supports a healthy inflammatory response in the body. Resveratrol also provides support for the cardiovascular system, including blood vessels and blood flow.

But it gets better.

New research from Texas A&M School of Medicine has identified potential memory benefits from resveratrol during aging.

Ingredient #2: Quercetin

Quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant that not only promotes heart health, but also helps stimulate a healthy inflammatory response.

Clinical research has also shown that quercetin may help support healthy brain cell function.

Because quercetin has demonstrated a synergistic effect when combined with resveratrol, health-conscious people often use both nutrients together.

Ingredient #3: Vitamin C

According to the Linus Pauling Institute, vitamin C is a first-line or critical antioxidant.

It not only provides inflammatory support, but also promotes heart health and overall body health.

Recent research published in the Journals of Gerontology found a startling link between vitamin C intake and cognitive function later in life.

Unlike most mammals, humans are unable to make vitamin C internally. This means you must obtain an adequate amount by diet and/or supplementation.

Ingredient #4: Hesperidin

This citrus flavonoid antioxidant helps promote inflammatory balance by inhibiting certain pro-inflammatory chemicals.

Research suggests that hesperidin also supports heart health and normal blood flow.

But that just scratches the surface.

Hesperidin has been in the news lately for the 15-plus ways it can potentially benefit health and body function.

Ingredient #5: Chamomile Extract

The herb chamomile has been used for 5,000 years in tea and other forms to promote tranquility, vitality, youthful appearance, and longevity.

Chamomile offers diverse antioxidant effects throughout the body. Scientists have found the flavonoid called apigenin to be one of the most beneficial bioactive constituents in chamomile.

Ingredient #6: Luteolin

Luteolin is a type of flavonoid antioxidant found in plants such as green peppers and celery.

Luteolin's antioxidant properties show evidence of improving cell life while reducing free radical-induced cell damage.

Multiple studies are underway studying the effects of luteolin on inflammation and on specific cells of the body, such as immune system cells.

Ingredient #7: Green Tea Extract

This extract from the much-loved Japanese beverage contains antioxidant polyphenols that support heart health and normal blood lipids.

Human clinical studies show that tea polyphenols help reduce the inflammation biomarker CRP.

Two important compounds in green tea extract also provide support for brain health and offer good news for those who deal with anxious feelings.

Ingredient #8: Bromelain

Bromelain is a plant enzyme derived from pineapple stems that helps modulate inflammation in the body.

Bromelain may also help support normal blood flow and even joint function.

Claim Your RISK-FREE Trial
Bottle of ADVANCIN Today!

We're offering a risk-free trial bottle at NO COST. That's a $39.95 value! Just pay $4.95 shipping and handling to get your bottle sent to you today!*

Claim Your Trial Bottle Just Pay
$4.95 S/H — Try ADVANCIN Today

Plus — Receive a FREE Bonus Gift When You Try ADVANCIN

You'll also get a FREE Report: A Doctor's Guide to Controlling Inflammation.

In this special report, you'll find Dr. Blaylock's best strategies and tips for healthy aging throughout your "golden years."

Plus, you will find more documented specifics about nutrients with powerful and effective inflammation-balancing activity.

This report, a $20 value, is your GIFT when you agree to try ADVANCIN from this special introductory offer.

Few people truly understand the concept of inflammation balance and how it impacts your health and body. But now, you've seen how important it is for all older adults to take action that can help tame runaway inflammation.

Today, you have a 30-day trial supply of ADVANCIN reserved to help get you started.

Claim Your Bottle —

*Trial offer requires enrollment in the SmartShip program. See website for details. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ©2024 Medix Health, LLC. All rights reserved. Medix Select is a registered trademark of Medix Health, LLC.


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