Jumat, 08 Desember 2023

she lost 162 pounds :-)

Hi there!

Meet Kerri Sterck.

A truly special human being. 

One of her posts in our FB group caught my attention…

Kerri's transformation

"I have always been the type of person that I don't like having my picture taken. Especially when I got big.

I was embarrassed and felt like everyone was talking about me when they saw my pictures.

Well you know what. They can talk all they want to now!

I feel great, look great and I absolutely love myself again. I actually bought a bikini.

I owe all of this to Obvi."

You go, Kerri! πŸ‘

Kerri shared with us that she's a Med Tech who faced numerous challenges in her life.

From personal loss to overcoming a verbally abusive relationship, her life has been filled with obstacles.

At one point, she was the heaviest she had ever been in her life, embarrassed by the way she looked, and suffering severe depression. 

That's when she found Obvi and decided to embark on a journey of health and self-love.


The result? 

An astounding loss of 162 pounds, as you can see from the pictures.

But more than shedding weight, Kerri triumphed over her type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

We LOVE her story of transformation!

But how did she do it?

As Kerri explains, she is a fan of:

  • Super Fruit Gummies that are crafted with antioxidants and essential nutrients to support a healthy immune system

  • Goodbye that helps you boost clean energy and focus by day while reducing anxiety, balancing mood and promoting deeper sleep by night, and

  • Superfood Pinks, designed to boost nutrient absorption and overall gut health

She has even shared Obvi with many people during her journey (we THANK YOU for that!!) including her gym partner and her daughter, co-workers and many more. 

Kerri even stashes Obvi water bottles to give away to friends, when they ask about how she lost all the weight and shares samples from her own pantry for them to give it a try!

Her advice to those starting their journey or struggling? 

"Don't be so concerned about numbers. Focus on how you look and feel! You have to work it to see results!" - Kerri

Want to read Kerri's last post? It's here!

Her story is a testament to the power of resilience and the right support. 

We hope you enjoyed this message and we look forward to hearing about your story of success in the future. 

Here's to a healthier, happier you!

All the love,


Co-Founder of Obvi

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